Safety Issues

Business Crime

Skarp has a special focus on business crime

Integrity issues have a high impact on your organization and can lead to personal damage as well. In investigations, prosecutors have a strong focus on the executives of an organization, who could face personal accountability issues as a consequence.

How do you prevent becoming a subject of an investigation? How do you secure your position, and how do you mitigate reputation damage?

Skarp is ready to determine your legal position, to give hands-on advice and, if necessary, defend you in all phases of the investigation and potential enforcement actions. Skarp looks after all your concerns and works with leading experts, such as reputation and crisis managers, to achieve the best possible results.

Issues you might be dealing with

  • Fraud
  • Dawn raids & arrests
  • Police & administrative reports
  • Regulatory pressure
  • Activism & social responsibiliy
  • Internal reports from employees or whistle blowers

Other Safety Issues

Environmental Safety

Operational Safety

Social Safety