How we deal with your data

Privacy Statement

These terms and conditions apply to every use of all web pages under the domain name: (hereinafter: the site) and to all of our services. In order to be able to make the site and the associated services available to visitors, Skarp Law processes personal data in a number of cases. This privacy statement explains which data are used for which purposes and what we do to protect your privacy. Skarp Law respects your privacy and processes personal data in the capacity of controller in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as: the “GDPR”).

Personal data

Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.   Among other things, we may process the following personal data:

  • Basic information such as your first and last name, prefix, title;
  • Contact details, such as your e-mail address, postal address and telephone number;
  • Information relating to the device you use to visit our site, such as an IP address;
  • Data relating to your visit to the site;
  • Personal data that you provide to us in the context of a contact request or exchange of data in the context of handling a case;
  • Personal data that you provide to us for the purpose of a job application,
  • Any other personal data relating to you that you provide to us or that we may obtain in accordance with the purposes and on the basis of the principles set out below.

We collect these personal data because you have provided them to us. We may also obtain your personal data from other sources, such as your visit to the site, through the work we carry out for you, or by using public sources.

Purposes and bases for processing

Skarp Law will only use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide our legal services and to give effect to the agreement, such as communicating with you and informing you of matters relevant to your case or the use of the Internet site;
  • Conducting legal proceedings;
  • Collecting invoices;
  • Advice, mediation and referral;
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • To generate statistics regarding the use of the site and/or to analyze and improve the site;
  • Marketing and communication activities.

We process your personal data pursuant to one or more of the following legal bases:

  • The execution of an agreement;
  • Complying with a legal obligation;
  • Justified interest;
  • Your consent.

Retention period

Skarp Law does not store your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy statement or to comply with laws and regulations. After closing your file, your file and personal data will be stored for five years. After that, the file and your personal data will be destroyed. Accounting records are kept for five years and then destroyed.

Sharing data

In certain cases, we may also share your personal data with third parties, including but not limited to:

  • Third parties relevant to the legal services we provide, such as counterparties, lawyers, bailiffs, courts, acting lawyers, (expert) researchers, regulatory authorities and government institutions;
  • Third parties, such as regulators and other bodies, to comply with legal obligations;
  • External suppliers in connection with the processing of your personal data for the purposes described in this privacy statement, such as courier services, ICT suppliers, suppliers of communication services or other suppliers to whom we outsource certain support services.

Transfer of your personal data to the above third parties only takes place for the purposes stated in this privacy statement and exclusively on the basis of the  principles stated in this privacy statement.

Third parties to whom we provide your personal data have their own, personal, responsibility for compliance with privacy legislation. Skarp Law is neither responsible nor liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. Insofar as a third party processes your personal data in the capacity of a processor of Skarp Law and is not deemed a controller itself, Skarp Law concludes a processing agreement that meets the requirements described in the GDPR with such a third party.


Skarp Law has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against loss, destruction, damage,  adaptation or publication. Persons who have access to your data on behalf of Skarp Law are – among other things on the basis of the rules of conduct and (other) professional rules applicable to them  – obliged to uphold confidentiality. We maintain generally accepted standards of technological and operational security to protect information provided by visitors from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. If you have any questions about the security of your personal data, or if there are indications of abuse, please contact us at

Your rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights:

  • The right of access. This means that you can make a request to access the personal data that we have collected from you. In doing so, you must take into account that there may be circumstances in which we are authorized, due to, for example, professional privilege, not to comply with your request to provide copies of personal data;
  • The right to correction or completion of your data if they are incorrect or incomplete;
  • The right to erasure of your personal data. In doing so, you should take into account that there may be circumstances in which we are obliged to retain your data in order to comply with our legal obligations;
  • The right to object to processing or the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data. We reiterate that circumstances may arise in which we are legally authorized not to comply with your request;
  • The right to data portability. This means that you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form. In addition, you have the right to transfer these data to another controller;
  • The right to withdraw the consent given. We reiterate that circumstances may arise in which we are authorised to continue to process your data, in particular if the processing thereof is a legal or regulatory requirement that we have to adhere to.
  • You can send an abovementioned request via the contact details below, you will receive further information within four weeks after receipt of your request.
  • You also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority regarding the handling of requests or other matters with regard to Skarp Law’s privacy policy.


Skarp Law does not use cookies on its site. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your  computer, tablet or smartphone during your visit to the Skarp Law website. We may use these tools to retrieve information and to identify certain categories of users by items such as IP address, domain, browser type and pages visited. This information is used to analyze the number of visitors to the different parts of the site and to ensure that the site functions as a useful and effective source of information. You can block the use of cookies by adjusting the settings in your web browser. However, this may affect the functioning of the site. On the website of the  Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets ( you can read more about cookies and how you can block or delete them.


Skarp Law has the right to change this privacy statement at any time without prior notice.  Changes to the privacy statement are published on the site, so please consult the site regularly.

If you would like further information or if you have any questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data,  you can contact us via, via 020-8006165 or via Skarp Law, Parnassusweg 819, 1082 LZ in Amsterdam.