
Attorney-at-law (Of Counsel)

Niels van Schaik

Niels van Schaik is an expert in high-impact crime cases. As an attorney and associate partner at Skarp Law, he has years of litigation experience, especially in cassation proceedings before the Dutch Supreme Court. He distinguishes himself by his scientific and analytical approach, which is perfectly suited for this high-level playing field.

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Niels is known for his strong analytical skills and extensive legal expertise, which enable him to generate inventive solutions to any complex legal problem. His proven track record includes, but is not limited to, successful cases pertaining to money laundering, bribery and corruption.

His uncanning aptitude for and interest in complex problems allow him to thrive not just in his position as an attorney. Niels holds several additional positions, such as author for legal journals and guest lecturer at several universities.

The beauty of law is also transposed to Niels’ other interests. He is an ardent art connoisseur, and if not in a museum, he is usually in the company of his family or friends.

Niels is a member of the Dutch Association of Cassation Lawyers in Criminal Cases (VCAS) and has been admitted as a criminal defense attorney to the Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NoVA)). He meets all NoVA’ requirements, also those regarding permanent education.